
This year our show is back at the Finger Lakes Mall in Auburn NY. The former Sears / RV Center at the west end of the mall We hope to enjoy this location for years to come. CLARCC would like to thank in advance the staff of the Finger Mall, the event center staff, for their assistance with our 17th (mostly)Annual Cayuga Lake Rabbit & Cavy festival.

From Syracuse:  Take I-90 Westbound to Exit 40 (Weedsport) Take Rte. 34 south the Auburn, Turn Right on Route 5 just after the Holiday Inn and proceed out of the city to the mall. Alternative Non-toll: Follow Rte. 5 directly West from Syracuse

From Rochester/ Canada: Take I-90 to Exit 42 (NY 14) turn right on NY-14, take NY 318 about 4 miles to end  and turn LEFT onto Route 5 & 20 and go about 9 miles to the mall. Alternate northern route follow Rte. 104 East to Route 414 or Rte. 89, south to Rte. 318 / Rtes. 5 & 20 as above.

From South: Take NY-81 north to Cortland, Route 90 North to Route 38 then

North to Route 5 & 20, Left to the Mall

Location Street Address: 1579 Clark Street, Auburn, NY 13021

GPS Coordinates: Lat: N 42° 55′ 49.137″ / 42.9303159 –
Long W 76° 36′ 39.6714″ / -76.6110199

Google Maps Link: