CLRCF Entry Portal

Easy2Show Software

CLARCC will be using Easy2Show for our pre-entries this year. This will allow exhibitors to submit entries online and make corrections resulting in smoother check-in procedures and less entry errors and corrections needed during the show.

To use the system create an account with Easy2Show. You can make one account per family. This account can be used for any show using Easy2Show.

EAR # Changes ONLY

Day of show entries are permitted but will result in extra cost.

Note: No Day of Show entries for Show A on Saturday morning.

You can make one account per family. This account can be used for any show using Easy2Show. Here is a video to help with the entry process.

Shows A,B and C are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd All-Breed shows respectively on Saturday. Shows D & E are the 1st and 2nd shows on Sunday. The Lop specialty and the Rare Breed show on Sunday entered online. Check the Catalog for entry information for all other specialty shows as well as CAVIES ENTRIES


Here is a video explaining the use of the system.